Use and transmission of personal data

In accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applied since 25 May 2018, you have the right to ask what will be done with your data and which ones are collected. To find out about our policy, please visit the privacy policy page.

Right to access the computer file

Any user who has filed directly or indirectly personal information via this website may request the disclosure of the personal information about it to the administrator of the service and have it corrected if necessary, in accordance with the French law No.78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms, by requesting it by email or by mail.

Information made available

The information and press releases published in this service are non-contractual and the documents that are legally valid are those that have been the subject of legal announcements and/or the visa of the local authorities.

The content made available on this site is provided for informational purposes. The existence of a link from the OT site on both banks to another site does not constitute a validation of this site or its content. It is up to the user to use this information with discernment and critical thinking. The publisher cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations made by these third parties.

License of use and copyright

The whole of this site falls under French and international copyright and intellectual property legislation, both in terms of its form (choice of plan, layout of materials, means of access to data, organisation of data…), as well as with regard to each of the elements of its content (texts, images, etc.).

All reproductions, of all or part of this site, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations are strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized by the site manager. The infringement of any of its rights constitutes the criminal offence of infringement (art. L 335-1 to 335-10 of the Intellectual Property Code) and punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros.

Contact information

  • Two Rivers Tourism Office
  • Public Administrative Service
  • 4-6 Rue du Convent
  • 0563398982
  • Siret: 2482000160066

Content texts, documents, photos:

  • Data Manager: Muriel PELISSIER
  • Editor: Jean Paul Delachoux


  • Community of Communes of the Two Rivers
  • Name or reason
  • 2 rue du Général Vidalot 82403 Valencia
  • 05 63 29 92 00